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School Dinners

Our nutritious dinners are cooked on site each day. Dinners cost £2.53 a day and parents pay for their child’s meals via ParentPay. There is a wide selection each day which includes hot options and cold options such as sandwiches.


If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 the government will pay for them to have free school dinners. You do not need to do anything to make this happen, we will automatically serve a school dinner to your child unless you tell us not to.


The termly menu is available below:



Each day there is an offer of hot snacks at break time which include buttered toast, bagel, crumpet, toasted tea cake, American pancakes and Fresh Fruit.​


To order hot snack for your child please complete the online form sent each week in the newsletters. Please also ensure your ParentPay account is in credit. 


The hot snack menu is below:



If you would like a printed copy of the snack or lunch menu, please contact the office. 

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