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Global Neighbours

In September 2022 Woodseaves adopted the Global Neighbours framework which drives our staff to develop pupil thinking for global citizenship education in schools.


It supports us to expand our ideas for curriculum and collective worship activities, weaving a global perspective into our current curriculum provision and encouraging our children to become active global citizens.


The framework aims to increase pupils’ understanding of the root causes of poverty and injustice, as well as engage and empower pupils as agents of change in the transformation of our world. Participation in the framework has helped to build upon the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of pupils, strengthen the ‘promotion of fundamental British values’, promote critical thinking across the curriculum, and strengthen links with the local community. Global Neighbours can also enhance the Religious Education provision in school by increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding about why and how Christians, along with people of other faiths and those of no faith, want to change the world to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.


If you would like to find out more information about the scheme, please click on the link below.


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